Cryptocurrency has been around now for over a decade now and still it holds a good deal of mystery around it. Most of this mystery revolves around its adoption into the markets of the world and how it integrates into all the existing systems. For instance, many are still not sure how to
buy cryptocurrency South Africa and the world over has to offer.
The thing about cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin is that it is entirely digital, separating it from the more tangible currencies that have been around for much longer. This factor could also subject it to the uncertainty that the online world brings as well as the potential risks. With the size of the online space, buying Bitcoin in South Africa alone can be challenging.
There are aspects of regular currencies that bind them to reality, adding inherent value regardless of its basic nature. A central bank and government monitor and control the flow of these currencies, ensuring they remain regulated and as stable as possible. These are some of the things that crypto lack, which can make it more prone to market influence and harder to buy Bitcoin and others like it.